Do we see good today?

Do you think the disciples thought that Friday was good? Do you think they found any good that Friday when they saw Jesus, their leader, their Savior, their Messiah, die? I am sure they were hopeless, lost, afraid, and feeling stuck. Can you relate? Many of us have experienced tragedies, losses, and deep grief that makes us feel like all is lost.

“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.” Matthew 27:50

Here’s the thing. Jesus’ followers didn’t know about Resurrection Sunday, that the Messiah would rise and free us from sin and death on the third day after his death. Sure, Jesus had spoke about what would happen, but I don’t think the disciples truly got it until Sunday. Now 2000 years later, we call it “Good Friday” because we know the rest of the story. We know Jesus rises and defeats death.

Are there areas of our lives that we can’t see as good, though, until later when we have the ability to use hindsight? Sometimes when we are in the thick of battle we can’t see the good, but later on we can see at least a bit of how God was with us and working during our hardest times. 

Today, on Good Friday, let’s focus on what Jesus sacrificed for us on that cross and how He is still with us today when we go through troubles. He suffered more than I can ever imagine and He did it for me and for you. And He still steps in for you and me today.  When we suffer, when there is death, when we are lost, when we think we can’t possibly go on, Jesus is there, friend, and will never leave you. Today I am focusing on the crucifixion, even if it’s uncomfortable, because I want to understand deep in me what Jesus went through for me, His grace and mercy on this day. It brings tears to my eyes, but I know in my heart it truly is a “Good” Friday. 
