Mid week miracles

God is all around us in big and little ways. Do we notice? As I’ve been down with Covid the past 11 days, I’ve had to really search for God and His encouragement. But you know what? God has been there every step of the way for me and I just have to look for Him. He shows up.

God has placed on my heart to write each week encouragement and real life stories about how we can see God in our day to day lives. I would love for you to follow along so we can all be encouraged by God this year, looking towards Him instead of all the negativity in our world. Even with the difficulties and craziness we are experiencing, God is with us. I would love to hear your stories and prayer requests so I can pray for you each week.

It’s a new year, and many people often look at setting goals or resolutions for themselves. The beginning of the year usually brings hope, but what happens when that hope is dashed? We already screwed up on our resolutions or something happened to make us realize we will have sorrow in 2022 also.

I started the new year not with hope, but with anxiety. The Christmas break got my sleep all out of whack (and then Covid didn’t help the sleep either) and lack of sleep was making me anxious. “What is wrong with me?” I kept thinking. I was in this cycle a few days when I finally stopped and listened to what God had to tell me. He simply told me to be still. “Really, God? That’s it?” But I stopped ruminating on my anxiety and got still and focused on God. When I did, He poured into me peace and wisdom. He let me know nothing was wrong with me, I had just make an idol out of sleep and I needed to focus on Him instead. God had been there all along, but I was focused on problems rather than on Him and missed what He was saying to me.

“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalms 37:7 NLT

“Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God. I am God above all the nations, and I am exalted throughout the whole earth.” Psalms 46:10 TPT

My sleep didn’t immediately get better that day when I had my aha moment with God, but my anxiety over it lessened and I stepped back into my life. What is stopping you from hearing what God has to say? Is something an idol in your life like sleep was for me?

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