
“Who is that?” I wondered as I saw someone completely dressed up including a costume mask walking around on Halloween. There were so many people, kids and adults, in a variety of interesting costumes. Some people might have acted differently than they usually do, simply because they were masked in costume and others didn’t know who they were.

Seeing all the different costumes made me think. How often do we go around with invisible costumes on pretending to be something we are not? How often do we try to please others by straying from ourselves?

In my life, I have found myself trying to please others by doing activities or events that I don’t feel I should actually do. This is especially true when I was in my high school and college days and I just wanted to fit in. I would like to say this mask went away when I got older, but it did not and I found myself trying to fit in with others so I wouldn’t feel left out even as an adult. I would say what people wanted to hear.

Have you ever pasted a smile on your face and told people everything was fine, but deep down you were struggling? Now to be clear, not everyone needs to know your problems, but it is important to take the mask off around trusted people and let them see the real you, struggles and all.

Why do we wear these invisible masks? Is it because we are afraid of being rejected, unloved or unliked? God knows and He will never reject us. He is our safe hiding place so we don’t have to hide behind a false self.

“For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory.” Psalms‬ ‭32:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I told my middle school Bible study campaigners group the other day we must be who God made us and not try to keep a mask on pretending to be someone else. God made each of us unique and we need to step into that.

In what ways have you been wearing a costume mask? What is a small step you can take to slowly take off the mask? Maybe it’s asking for prayer? I would love to pray for you if that’s the case. Let’s be real.


Mid-week miracles - how God shows up for us in the mess

Traffic. Most of us don’t like it. Now I’m sure there are a few of you out there who don’t mind being stuck on the road with a super long line of cars in front of you, but I feel the vast majority of us want to get to our destination in a timely manner. Today, as I pulled out of work onto the busy main street here in Kerrville, I pondered my driving. Some days I drive fast, tense, and impatient to get where I am going. Other days like today I am more laid back, relaxed, and not feeling like I have to push the limits to get there (I may or may not be talking about speed limits here 😉).

On my fast days I am wound up tight like a spring ready to bounce, but on the days where I purposely drive slower and relaxed I am much more calm. I don’t drive slow and still am close to the speed limit, but my reactions to things and people are different on these days. I am a much more pleasant person when I am calm and this gives me a chance to invite Jesus in. When I am rushed and driving fast, I don’t often invite Jesus in (except maybe to part the waters, or traffic in my case, so I can get on with my day).

How do you go through life? Is it fast and furious always trying to get to the next thing? Or maybe it’s more relaxed, where you can remain calm and enjoy the drive?

“With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience.”‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

God showed me today that my attitude while driving affects how I deal with people and affects my spiritual life for the whole day, not just the time I’m in the car. God wants us to be patient and gentle towards other, remaining calm and level headed instead of having road rage. Maybe it’s not snapping at the coworker who annoys you. Maybe it’s controlling your temper when your children disobey you for the 4,000th time that day.

How will you go through your day? What kind of driver of your life will you be? Let’s not let a little “traffic” in our lives ruin our day.

Does what I do matter?

Mid-week miracles – your weekly encouragement for daily life – how has God shown up this week?

I sighed deeply and looked out the bedroom window. My husband was pushing my daughters on the swing and they all were laughing. I was stuck inside quarantining away from everyone. My husband and my parents had been taking care of everything while I was stuck sick in quarantine. They did everything so wonderfully and I am so deeply grateful. As the days drug on and on, I began to lose focus on my goals and my purpose. I began to question every aspect of my life, questioning if my normal daily activities were of significance, making a difference in the world. I was stuck in a rut. Can you relate?

When you are staying at home to raise your kids and you feel forgotten or insignificant, like nothing you do makes a difference, God sees you.

When you work at a job that is not fulfilling and you wonder if you even matter, God sees you.

When you are sick at home quarantining all alone and the world is still going on, passing you by, God sees you.

Do you ever feel that what you do in your day to day life doesn’t seem significant? Doesn’t seem like you have a purpose or meaning?

As I sat in quarantine, I pondered these questions and it got me thinking about what I view as significant and meaningful. After feeling down on myself for a bit, I came to realize through prayer and reading God’s Word that even the little things I don’t think matter can really make a difference in God’s kingdom. When I am at home doing never ending laundry for the 5000th day in a row (or so it seems), that is actually serving my family and making a big difference. I mean, it would probably be frowned upon if we went out in public without clothes. When I sit at work and wonder if all the typing in spreadsheets is making a difference in the world, I can know I am helping keep the business running smoothly so the other employees can help people sleep better and therefore have a better quality of life.

Side note: Don’t compare yourself and what you are doing to other people, especially what you see on social media! That is a whole separate post, but know what you are made to do is different than someone else and neither one is any less important than the other. Okay, back to the main point for today.

“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” Psalms 37:5

I can do everyday things faithfully and that might be God’s plan for me that day. God sees you in every moment, big or small. Don’t feel forgotten because what you do matters (and I’m not just saying that as a cliche!) Will you look for Him in each moment of the day?

Mid week miracles

God is all around us in big and little ways. Do we notice? As I’ve been down with Covid the past 11 days, I’ve had to really search for God and His encouragement. But you know what? God has been there every step of the way for me and I just have to look for Him. He shows up.

God has placed on my heart to write each week encouragement and real life stories about how we can see God in our day to day lives. I would love for you to follow along so we can all be encouraged by God this year, looking towards Him instead of all the negativity in our world. Even with the difficulties and craziness we are experiencing, God is with us. I would love to hear your stories and prayer requests so I can pray for you each week.

It’s a new year, and many people often look at setting goals or resolutions for themselves. The beginning of the year usually brings hope, but what happens when that hope is dashed? We already screwed up on our resolutions or something happened to make us realize we will have sorrow in 2022 also.

I started the new year not with hope, but with anxiety. The Christmas break got my sleep all out of whack (and then Covid didn’t help the sleep either) and lack of sleep was making me anxious. “What is wrong with me?” I kept thinking. I was in this cycle a few days when I finally stopped and listened to what God had to tell me. He simply told me to be still. “Really, God? That’s it?” But I stopped ruminating on my anxiety and got still and focused on God. When I did, He poured into me peace and wisdom. He let me know nothing was wrong with me, I had just make an idol out of sleep and I needed to focus on Him instead. God had been there all along, but I was focused on problems rather than on Him and missed what He was saying to me.

“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalms 37:7 NLT

“Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God. I am God above all the nations, and I am exalted throughout the whole earth.” Psalms 46:10 TPT

My sleep didn’t immediately get better that day when I had my aha moment with God, but my anxiety over it lessened and I stepped back into my life. What is stopping you from hearing what God has to say? Is something an idol in your life like sleep was for me?